Dr Adrianna Ruggiero
Associate Vet
I graduated from the University of Adelaide at the end of 2021 and started work here as a Vet the beginning of 2022. I had done placement here and fell in love with the team and clinic; I couldn’t wait to get started.
Everyone’s pets have such different personalities, there’s nothing better than when you’re having a rough day, and someone brings in their pet that has the funniest little habits or tricks. I also love surgery and particularly learning and in this job you never stop, there’s always something new and exciting happening. However, the absolute best feeling is when you help a family get their pet better. The clients are the foot soldiers in vet med, and every battle we win is hugely because of them trusting us and doing what needs to be done.
It comes with some seriously good highs but very deep lows too. I was also expecting to struggle with helping families say goodbye to their pets, but it’s something I have come to view as a privilege. People trust us in their most vulnerable moments to end their pets’ suffering, and I was surprised with how much I value that trust and privilege, albeit a sad one.

I am an avid reader! When I’m not working on Kangaroo Island to convert an old shipping container into an apartment with my partner, you can usually find me reading. I’m also big on wine and travel, aside from all that, I love to walk our dog, go to Pilates and spend time in nature.